Tag: Social Security Filing

Medicare 101: The Ultimate Guide (Ep. 16)

Medicare 101: The Ultimate Guide (Ep. 16)

Imagine a retirement where you’re free from the fear of rising, and sometimes unexpected, medical bills.

In a world of ever-rising healthcare costs, a solid understanding of Medicare is a necessity!

In this episode, Jim Kruzan, CFP®, CRPC®, unravels the intricacies of Medicare and paves the path for a more simplified Medicare experience. Whether you’re a decade away from retirement or just around the corner, you’ll learn actionable insights to save stress, time, and money.

Jim discusses:

  • The difference between Medicare and Medicaid
  • Core components of Medicare (parts A, B, C, and D)
  • How the ‘Donut’ hole may unexpectedly increase your prescription drug costs
  • Important enrollment deadlines to avoid hefty penalties
  • The financial impact of Medicare on your retirement plan
  • And more


Connect with Jim Kruzan: 

Getting Your Retirement Back On Track (Ep. 15)

Getting Your Retirement Back On Track (Ep. 15)

Picture this: You’ve crafted the perfect retirement plan. You’ve dreamt about it, and it’s finally here. But then, life throws you a curveball. Suddenly, your well-laid path takes an unexpected detour!

Even the most carefully crafted plans must adapt to changing circumstances.

In this episode, Jim Kruzan, CFP®, CRPC®, shares practical strategies to get your retirement back on track.

Jim discusses:

  • Signs that your retirement may be off track
  • Budgeting strategies to cut unnecessary expenses without sacrificing quality of life
  • How “safe withdrawal rates” can guide portfolio adjustments
  • How to weather market downturns by using debt strategically
  • And more


Connect with Jim Kruzan: 

Top 5 Social Security Filing Mistakes to Avoid (Ep. 14)

Top 5 Social Security Filing Mistakes to Avoid (Ep. 14)

“When should I start taking Social Security?”

“Can I claim spousal benefits? If yes, how much?”

“How will my Social Security income be taxed?”

These are some of the questions that many retirees (and soon-to-be retirees) struggle with!

In this eye-opening episode, Jim Kruzan, CFP®, CRPC®, explains the top five Social Security filing mistakes to avoid and how to make well-informed decisions that can potentially make or break your retirement!

Jim discusses:

  • Benefits of delaying Social Security until age 70 (and what happens if you file early)
  • Eligibility criteria for spousal benefits and the ideal time to claim them
  • The “earnings test” you should know about before filing for Social Security
  • How to maximize survivor benefits
  • How to minimize the potential tax burden on Social Security
  • And more


Connect with Jim Kruzan: